Kokkola–Pietarsaari economic region

Hanhikivi Guide 2015

50 Ko kkol a–Piet arsaari- eco nom ic region Ko kkol a–Piet arsaari eco nom ic reg ion Over 65 years 19 % 0–14 year 19 % 15–64 year 62 % Population age structure of the Kokkola- Pietarsaari economic region in 2012 Statistics Finland 2013 Higher education 23 % Basic education only 36 % Further (post-16) education only 41 % Standard of education of people aged 15 or over in the Kokkola-Pietarsaari economic region in 2011 Statistics Finland 2013 The Kokkola–Pietarsaari economic region (the subregions of Kokkola, Kaustinen and Pietarsaari) has about 120,000 inhabitants. The region is characterized by a varied industry base and a strong entrepreneurial spirit. The tradition of export is strong: The area is the biggest exporter in Finland, by population (export €/inhabitant). The distance from Kokkola to Hanhikivi along Highway 8 is 108 kilometres and it takes 85 minutes. The share of the Swedish-speaking population in this multicultural area is 37 percent. Around 3,760 inhabitants have an immigrant background; the largest individual groups are Swedish, Estonian and Russian. Working-age people make up about 62 percent of the whole population. The local residents have a high standard of education. Of the workingage population, 41 percent have completed further education, and 23 percent have a higher education qualification. * 1.1.2013 Population of municipalities in the economic region Municipality Population* Web pages Kokkola 46,773 www.kokkola.fi Kaustinen 4,304 www.kaustinen.fi Kannus 5,736 www.kannus.fi/ frontpage Pietarsaari 19,680 www.pietarsaari.fi Toholampi 3,426 www.toholampi.fi Lestijärvi 835 www.lestijarvi.fi Halsua 1,248 www.halsua.fi Veteli 3,382 www.veteli.fi Perho 2,923 www.perho.com Kruunupyy 6,666 www.kronoby.fi Luoto 4,966 www.larsmo.fi Pedersöre 10,940 www.pedersore.fi Uusikaarlepyy 7,531 www.uusikaarlepyy.fi Total 118,393 Statistics Finland and municipal web pages

Hanhikivi Guide 2015
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